Get Your Life Back: The Spinal Disc Healing Video Course

This Video Reveals
The Step-by-Step Journey To Overcome Spinal Disc Pain
Once And For All...

What if I told you there’s a proven way to ease the relentless pain from conditions like a herniated disc, bulging disc, or degenerative disc disease?
A way to step out from the shadow of pain and reclaim the active life you love?

Here's what people
have to say about Dr. Daulton's
Video Course & Book

  “Hi Dr. Ron! This is Josh from Hong Kong. I injured myself about a year ago snowboarding in northern China, and I got treatment from a doctor (who was a surgeon), and he basically just gave me anti–inflamatories and muscle relaxers.

I think that’s pretty common treatment, and it really didn’t do anything for me. As soon as I stopped taking the medicine, the pain and stiffness came back. I tried physical therapy, and actually had very good success with that. I was near 100% after about a month and a half of physical therapy, but my physical therapist apparently wasn’t very knowledgeable about the subject, and really encouraged me to start exercising again and working out. He even told me I could go back to rock climbing.

It was obviously too much too soon, and I relapsed my injury profoundly worse than it was before. I now had an itchy, tingling sensation on the surface of my skin. It felt like needles and sharp pains going into my skin and into my spine, and my left arm would go numb when I was sleeping occasionally.

It was pretty bad, and very depressing, and I dealt with this for maybe 4 or 5 months.

I was actually contacting a lot of people online and doing my own research to help educate myself about this injury, and I finally came across Dr. Ron. What was interesting about his information was that it was really informative and really up front about all the information. There were no magical theories or anything – just real practical ways to deal with the issue.

So, I started using his recommendations very consistently, and after about 3 or 4 weeks, the itchy, prickly sensation and stiffness that I had had for 4 or 5 months was starting to go away, and it was beyond miraculous.

I don’t really know how to thank him enough for putting that information on the internet and being so clear as to what is the best way to solve this problem. It’s really worked for me. I’m having a few issues, where some days are better than others, but I’m able to work out now a little bit, and I’m starting to get my life back together. I can’t thank you enough, Dr. Ron.”

Josh Wright

 “Dear Dr. Daulton,

I just wanted you to know that I have already improved immensely in my journey to healing! It has been about 2 and a half weeks since I started using your suggestions and I am almost pain free for most of the day and night. There are times when I still have little twinges and aches but they do not last for long.

I feel more like myself now and feel good about going out – even to the store – and being with other people again. I have become aware of the things I do that aggravate the disc and so I am trying to retrain my body and develop more healthful posture, and other behaviors.

I can’t thank you enough for creating the book – I found so much good helpful information in it and have told many of my friends about it.

Blessings and gratitude!!!!!
Andrea Lyman”

 “Hi Dr. Ron,

It’s hard to put into a few short words, but I just wanted to send a note to say THANK YOU so very much for your book and e–tips. After 2 years of varying degrees of pain / agony, I can now say that, with the help of your book, I am truly on the road to recovery!

Two years ago I slipped a disk in my low back, and after 9 weeks of “resting up with gentle exercise” with absolutely no relief, I ended up having a L5/S1 discectomy. The operation didn’t make much difference.

I eventually found a very good chiropractor and things improved for awhile, but gradually then things got worse again. In July 2008, I was again in agony! An MRI revealed I’d slipped another disc at L4/L5. Again, I was advised to rest up / gentle exercise and hopefully things would get better, but if not, I would have to have another discectomy!

Then I found your website and ordered your book. Your book is now my bible. At last, answers to all my questions, written in a clear, simple, easy–to–understand way. I now understand what has happened, why, and everything I need to know to be able to make it better.

Your book is the only place that I have found everything in the one place. So many people offer cures for back pain but I can now see they only give part of the jigsaw. Your book gives all the information that is needed for a complete recovery. I can’t thank you enough!

I’m now off all pain medication (I was on gabapentin, tramadol, etc.), and I follow your program every day. It’s now 7 weeks since I slipped my disk the second time and with the combination of all your advice I am making excellent progress – and without any further surgery!

Every day I’m seeing small improvements, and I can see it is possible to “get your life back.” So again, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

Kind Regards,
Lynne Partridge” 

 “Dr. Ron's book is a great example of how implementing a number of little changes can bring about dramatic change in one's quality of life. I herniated the disc between L4 and L5, it was diagnosed a year and a half ago. I have been following Dr. Ron's advice for almost six months. His book covers everyday activities from the moment one gets up till one goes to bed, including the best way to get in and out of the car and the best sleeping position.

The first thing I noticed was that I slept better. I used to wake up after four hours of sleep to pain in my lower back.

I no longer dread the mornings when I used to have the most pain. I used to pay dearly on the next morning for everyday activities such as bringing in the groceries from the car, but not anymore. Some mornings it used to be a problem to bend over the sink to brush my teeth, for example. This used to be really depressing, and the book's title is right, I do feel that I have gotten my life back.

Occasionally, there might be still stiffness in my lower back when I get out of bed (although it happens less and less frequently), but it goes away by the time I am done with my morning stretches.

Finally, I would like to mention that Dr. Ron is really available to answer questions - I tested it. I think this is remarkable and shows that he is totally behind the advice he compiled in his book, and he is really committed to the complete recovery of the people who purchase it.

Bela Schmidt” 

 “Dr. Ron,

It has now been a year and a half since I was diagnosed with a bulging disc. I was pretty much stuck in bed for 2 weeks because of the debilitating pain of this condition since it was the L5/S1 disc that was bulging. I looked on the web for information about this since I didn't want surgery and wanted relief and I came across your website.

Today I am glad to say that I am PAIN FREE!!

I direct everyone I can to your website when I gladly tell them how I was able to heal my bulging disc without surgery and by being faithful to exercising. I have now lost 35 pounds and even though the weight loss part of it has been slow, my accomplishment that I hold on to most is that I was able to heal my back.

Thank you again,

Michelle Scheen” 

 “I would like to tell my story about how Dr. Ron Daulton, Jr. helped me to overcome extreme pain from a bulging disc at L4-L5 and L5-S1 which were both pinching on nerves. The pain was also radiating down into my right hip and thigh and the thigh was actually numbed but sore to the touch, the sensation was much like that of a bruise or burn to the skin.

Around March 29, 2010 I was lifting down a box which had been stored up high in a storage building. I knew the minute the box started coming down that I had made a huge mistake as the box was much to heavy for my strength. I remember feeling crunched down and unable to maintain holding the box because of it's weight. I had to let it fall to the ground. I felt nothing more that would indicate a problem until I awoke on March 30, 2010.

I had the most horrible pain in my lower back, the longer I stood up or moved about the more intense the pain became. It felt as though I had a chisel stuck in my back which was rubbing against my bones. No position made this pain subside. It was a writhing type pain. I immediately called my family physician for an appointment. When I arrived at the doctor's office, the waiting room was filled to capacity, the doctor was running way behind, and by this time I could not even stand or sit, I had to find a place to lie down. Since the doctor's office was full, that was not possible. I cancelled my appointment and left for the Emergency Room at our local hospital.

Upon arrival, I was the only person in the waiting room at the ER, but there had been a trauma just a few minutes prior to that and no ER rooms were available to be examined in at that time. I waited in the lobby with my husband for two hours! The pain increased to the point that I was crying out as sharp, white-hot radiating pain ripped through my body. I had heard of people having that unrelenting kind of pain when they had kidney stones and wasn't sure what I might have been experiencing at that time. My doctor's office had told me to get x-rays if I was going to go to the ER.

When I was finally admitted into an ER room, the doctor did not see me for several hours after that. By this time the pain had become absolutely unbearable. I was given a three different shots and finally sent down to be x-rayed. I could not stand, so I had to have supine x-rays while lying on a stretcher which in itself was uncomfortable. I was asked to submit a urine sample in order to rule out kidney stones. The doctor finally came into the ER room I was in and told me that the x-rays were just fine and that the urine sample had proved negative so he wasn't concerned at that point about any real issues. He sent me home with five different medications, pain pills, anti-inflammatories, a steroid pack, a muscle relaxant and something for nausea. I was in so much pain that I was almost furious that they had sent me home in this much pain without truly knowing the source of it. I almost went to the ER room in another nearby city for a second opinion, but decided to try and tough it out overnight and see if the medications helped.

That night and the following nights for a solid week, I was in the most excruciating pain. No position I could get into helped. I had been told to use heat or a heating pad for the pain to help it subside, and then to see my family physician in a week if the pain was still there.

I went to my family physician a week later and was still concerned about the numbness in my thigh and the inability to sleep through the night due to the extreme pain I was feeling. My family physician gave me another prescription for pain pills and ordered an MRI which his office help forgot to order for me and so a week later (two weeks now in unrelenting pain), I called the office back and asked why she had not yet gotten me the MRI? She said she had been waiting for my insurance to okay the MRI, but then immediately made the appt. and the next morning I had the MRI. They said I would have the report in 2-3 days. All this time I didn't know what was wrong with me. I started to think that my life had ended as I had known it. All this time, what they don't tell you is that pain pills often cause you to have constipation which only adds to the pain you already have.

I called the office of Thursday for the results and they said they didn't have them. I called the office on Friday and they said they didn't have them, so I called the MRI site and asked them. They said the MRI had been sent a few days prior to that and that they were going to send another one right over which they did. I finally was able to get my husband to go by the office and pick up my MRI because the office clerk said that they were much to busy to have the doctor read me my results. That was on Friday, April 16, 2010!

That was sixteen days of intense pain, not one restful night of sleep, and not knowing exactly what I was suffering from until my husband brought the MRI report home to me. All my family physician's office told me was to make an appointment for the following Monday because the doctor might want to refer me to a neurosurgeon. This scared the living daylights out of me! I kept thinking that I was going to have to go under the knife and have back surgery which was not something I was looking forward to.

My life had stopped abruptly! I was so used to being physically active, this just felt like the end of the world to me.

That Saturday morning, I was so depressed, my eyes kept tearing up, I'm not sure if it was from the intense pain or my depression, but I had finally had enough of these doctors and hospitals which gave no helpful answers and offered too little concern to set the mind at ease in a timely manner.

I decided to get on the computer and to just Google in my MRI impression. That brought me to Dr. Ron Daulton Jr.'s site:

On this site I found some very useful information. I immediately emailed Dr. Ron and asked a few questions. To my honest surprise it was only a short time later that he answered my questions and gave me advice of how to ease the pain.

I immediately followed his instructions, quit taking those awful pain pills, and that was the first night I was able to sleep peacefully. He also told me that I should not require surgery for the bulging discs according to the MRI report I had sent to him. That was the first good thing I had heard in 17 days! My entire mindset changed immediately! This was not an end to life as I had known it afterall! Thanks to Dr. Ron!

I later did some more research on Dr. Ron's site and found that he had a book I could purchase online which had all the information I needed to heal this disc problem as well as have access to Dr. Ron's email help. I thought to myself, this book has some great information in it that I would like to have, and being able to ask questions of Dr. Ron was extremely helpful. What better way could I also show my gratitude for the advice that Dr. Ron had given me so freely which had immediately set my mind at ease and my pain to a minimum? He never once pressured me to purchase anything, he was just always there online through the email to help me through this ordeal. I will always be thankful for the Google search I made which helped me to find Dr. Ron. He was my healing angel!

Vickey Grieger” 

 “Dr. Ron,

I've been meaning to write to you for the past week or so but haven't been able to. I want to extend a gigantic THANK YOU because you are the only one who has been able to help me, quickly! You are doing an incredible service with your book and website! My circumstances are a little strange but I want to explain . . .

I am a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army, and my unit is currently deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I'm the company executive officer for A Company, 2nd Battalion, 124th Infantry Regiment, a key leadership position. Around July 14 of this year I developed pain in my right trap which over the next few days developed into extreme pain in my right shoulder and radiating down my right arm. The Camp Virginia (Kuwait) surgeon said it was a pinched nerve in my shoulder, my battalion PA suspected a neck injury and ordered MRI. The next 2.5 weeks were the worst of my life. Pain levels of 8 or 9 / 10 every day, weakness, loss of dexterity (couldn't fit a key into a lock), burning like you wouldn't believe, in my right arm and hand.

So when the MRI results came in and the dx was herniated discs at C5-6 and C6-7 with C6 nerve root compression and entanglement, possible spinal cord involvement, the PA said he was MEDEVAC'ing me to Germany for surgery. Yes, surgery. Neck surgery. Cutting my throat and removing discs and fusing vertebrae. Right next to my spinal cord. I was scared to death. Anyway, needless to say, I was confused and angry and depressed, and to make matters worse, the next day was the worst day for pain I'd experienced yet. The Percocet and flexeril was doing nothing, and the Tiger Balm did nothing for me either. All prescribed by the doc and physical therapist on post.

So I decided that now that I knew the diagnosis, I was going to take treatment into my own hands and started with logging on to Google and reading everything I could find about cervical disc herniations, bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, ANYTHING I could find. So I came across your website and started listening to your video. Your price of $100 was nothing compared to the possibility of finally finding relief. I would have paid 5x the price to make the pain go away!

I downloaded the book (AWESOME idea to make it downloadable) and immediately started using your recommendations. I woke up the next day, the pain was about 50% better! UNBELIEVABLE. After everything the doc, PA, and physical therapist had told me, the recommendations that you made was what worked. Within a week, I was down to a 2 or 3 / 10 and my strength and dexterity were back!

Two nights ago I arrived at Ft. Stewart here, stateside, to start therapy. Yes, it took the Army a whole month to figure out what is wrong with me and get me somewhere they can help. Thanks to you however, I am well on my way already to recovery. Over in the Middle East, it is very difficult to get any kind of specialized medical advice or treatment, and takes a while to get you back to the rear (routine medevac). Thanks to you, however, I am well on my way to recovery.

THANKS DR RON. I will hopefully avoid surgery with your help, and be able to rejoin my unit for the rest of the deployment. AWESOME!

Very truly yours,

Adam H. Sudbury
1LT, USA” 

 “Hello Dr. Ron,

I have been following your program since 8/23/2010 and I wanted to let you know that after two years of living in horrible pain, I had my very first pain free day this week. Yes, 100% pain free!

I honestly did not know what to think when I woke up and there was no pain. I waited hour after hour expecting it to return at any moment. It was unbelievable, but the second and third day I was still pain free.

I had absolutely no idea what to do with myself because I had spent so much time filling up my days with pain permeating every second of my life. I had actually forgotten what it felt like to be a normal human being that could move around and perform daily activities. I felt I was experiencing a miracle. However, I also remember reading in your book that being out of pain does not mean that I am healed completely, so I am still following your program on a daily basis and I'm taking it one day at a time.

I want you to know, Dr. Ron, that your program has saved my life. No one could live in as much pain as I was suffering through and I had begun to question whether the quality of my life was worth going on. Thanks to you I am at the beginning of getting a life back and I'm even planning all the wonderful things I'm going to be experiencing again that I have missed for so long. I don't know how to thank you. I will be using your book for life.

Lynn Rixmann” 

 “I said a prayer today for you as you have helped me so much.

I reinjured my cervical and lumbar disc herniations recently and had two new MRI's. Was ready for surgery when I thought I'd do some internet searches and found you.

I bought your book and I am now following your advise and am getting amazing results!!!


Suzanne Adams” 

 “I purchased your guide out of pure desperation in 2010, for you seemed to be the only person who advocated being able to heal a herniated disc!!

I was in a state of desperation with a new born baby, having experience sacroiliac joint dysfunction from week 14 of my pregnancy (severe case of SPD) and not being able to walk properly, to then having my child and experiencing yet more severe pain (this time from my back). It was confirmed after a private consultation that I then had slipped a disc, then after my MRI two discs appeared damaged, one had herniated the other was bulging in my Lumbar spine, and my doctors all lead me to believe that this is what life had thrown me and it was tough!!! And that my life would never been the same and I would never be the same.....

Reading your guide was empowering. I am the first to admit that I did not stick to all aspects of it, for having a new born meant there was little time for me anyway, however, I think what I befitted most from was having some literature that actually said, you know what.....if you want to fix the right things and you can!!!

I am 95% better I would say, more flexible than I used to be, but what your guide did more than anything was give me the belief that 'I could get better' in a situation that appeared hopeless and in an area that unfortunately the NHS in England does not assist you with, they treat your pain with meds and send you off with little knowledge as to how to help yourself! So Thanks!!

Sarah Warwick” 

 “Dear Dr. Daulton,

I would like to express my big gratitude to you, as I'm following your method for almost six months and my life (and my family's life) is completely changed.

In December last year I was lying on my bed and crying from the pain most of the time. I'm now able to conduct a normal life again. I can sleep, stand, sit, walk, work .....

Of course there are better and worse days, but the trend is positive and I did not feel any "real" pain in the last two weeks, just some stiffness that can be solved with some exercises.

I'm very happy I found your site on internet and decided to trust you instead of following my doctor advice to get an operation.

When I meet people complaining for back/neck pain I suggest them to purchase your ebook, it helped me so much that I really would like everybody to know about it and feel better as I do.

Thank you again with all my heart, you are doing a wonderful work.

Angela Dall'Ara” 

 “Dear Dr. Ron,

Can't thank you enough for your advice. I've read your book and put it into practice and I'm finally in considerably less pain than I've been since October.

In fact, the 24/7 pain had me praying to God in March to just take me because I couldn't take it any more. The pain was changing my personality.

Thank you for your advice and for returning me to myself. I feel so much better.

Thank you.

Carolyn Higgs” 

Herniated Disc Alternative Treatment